February 22, 2013

Dangers of Live-in-Relationship which can turn into a Rape Case. Road Better to travel less.

Supreme Court has held that consensual sex between to adult can not be an offense under present law.

The young generation started thinking that it is green signal for live in relationship and they need not marry and can walk out anytime. This may not be correct impression.

I have seen three cases of live in relations. In two wife file case of Rape in addition to other cases.

Because, in some cases Supreme Court has held that consent obtained by false promise of marriage, is no consent, and therefore it is rape.

Now see the complications.

Whether it was case of false consent of marriage or not can be decided by court only in trial of rape case.

In the meantime, the only options with husband seems to be 1) Apply for Anticipatory bail, 2) then regular bail or for quashing petition under 482 in HC and under Art 136 in SC if HC refuses to quash complaints, 3) face trial of rape.

The Scene for Husband of a live in relationship seems bad.

Haresh Raichura