February 3, 2014

The Fears - Phantoms living in our mind as well as in real world

All fears are real. They touch our bones. They touch our muscles. They touch our thoughts.

Scientists say these are "Flight Responses"

We see something, or we visualise something and we want to flee from it. We want to run away and hide somewhere.

But it is not possible to flee. It is not possible to fight with it.

What is possible is : To FACE it.

To face it, is a learned response. First, we learn to face small fears. Gradually, we graduate enough to face bigger fears.

This process cannot be learned through books. We have to be in a situation where we experience fear in our bones and than we have to overcome this fear.

An Example:-

A room is dark. A child is afraid of entering into it. First, he has to put first step in the dark room. The fear escalates. After 3 to 4 minutes, fear reduces on its own if nothing happens. When the fear is reduced, he has to take next step further in the dark room. The cycle of fear repeats.

Some call this process a process of desensitisation.

Whatever it may be. It is a process of facing fears by one step at time.

There is a limit to what extent we can bear fear. Each of us is different.

But the process is same for us. We have to face fear, if we cannot flee away from it and if we cannot fight with it.

A Time Frame method:-

Someone once told me that every fear has a life period. After this period goes, the fears go away on their own.

He said, some fears have life of one week, some fears may have life of four weeks. But after this period is over, the fears go away. Fears are not permanent.

He said, put a time frame on fear which you may be facing and then let this period pass. In the meantime, also try to reduce fear causing factors as much as within your power.

Haresh Raichura