September 29, 2018

🤔 A Practical Way To Seek Help from Glorious and Strong Persons (Reposted)

SP- 4 My favourite and Practical Lines from Bhagwad GITA :

1)  I have made many  experiments with following lines :

" I am immortal. All Glorious and Strong Persons are Parts of Me. Whoever shall express his wishes before any Glorious and Strong Persons, his wishes shall be fulfilled by accordance with his merits and in accordance with nature and strength of those  Glorious and Strong Persons....!

2) A Glorious and Strong Petson is defined as a "Person in whose  presence  evil Persons refrain from doing evil on their own"

3) These lines are based on Vibhuti Yoga of Gita.

4) Whenever I have a problem which I cannot overcome, I write about my problem to few unknown Glorious and Strong Persons with minimum but sufficient details of my problem. 

5) If my wishes have merits, and if it is possible for those Glorious and Strong Persons to help me, I usually find my problem solved on its own. 

6) I see nothing happening when either my wishes have no merit or......when my wishes are beyond strength of those Glorious and Strong Persons to grant my wishes.

- Haresh Raichura 29/9/2016 (Reposted on 29/9/2018)

#inspiration #law #mentoring #politics #ethics #god #GITA #Religion