October 4, 2012

Three Judges on whether judges should be address as "My Lords" or as "Sirs"?

I have had occasions to hear three Judges on issue whether Judges should be addressed as 'My Lords' by lawyers while conducting cases before them.

1) An SC Judge asked, "Why do you treat us on a higher level? We are not Gods. We are also like you and we are also fallible. We also have weaknesses like you."

2) A petition was filed to direct Bar Council of India to issue circular that lawyers should not address judges as 'My Lords!'

The judge said,"Who is asking you to address us as my lords? We do not need that you address us as My Lords!"

Petition was withdrawn with liberty to make representation to Bar Council.
Representation was made and Bar Council issued circular that lawyers should not address judges as 'My Lords' but should address as 'Sir'.

3) A Delhi High Court Judge put a notice out side his court that lawyers should address him as 'Sir' and not as "My Lords".

Still habits die hard. Lawyers continue to address judges as 'My Lords' and some judges still insist that they should be addressed as judges.

Haresh Raichura