April 17, 2014

On eve of Retirement of Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Gyan Sudha Misra 27April,2014

On eve of Retirement of Hon’ble Mrs. Justice Gyan Sudha Misra, Judge, Supreme Court of India

(27th April,2014)

In the Mountains of Tibet

Younger Lama asked Elder Lama
“What can you say about
Justice Gyan Sudha Misra?”

Elder Lama replied,

“She underlined something which
No one in Supreme Court
Did in last few years

Younger Lama looked a bit puzzled 

He reflected
But he could not come across anything
Which Justice Misra had underlined
In last few years
and other judges had missed it

After reflecting for sometime,
He asked again
“What did she underlined?”

Elder Lama replied,

“Judges here and everywhere else,
Listen to lady advocates
Kindly, Sympathetically and Dismissively

“They do not give much weight to what they argue
 They look upon them with view that

‘All women's minds are emotional
All men's minds are logical,
Therefore, all lady advocates' arguments
Are bound be emotional
And not logical
And therefore irrational
And therefore not that important’

"And therefore they look upon them protectively!

“But this does not help lady advocates

This does not correct them
This does not help them
In making more rational arguments next time.

Graces of Judges 
Have never done good to anyone

“On the other hand in cases of male advocates
Judges come down scathingly on them,
Whenever they argue irrelevant! 

This helps male advocates to quickly understand
What works and what does not work
In Supreme Court or in any other court.

They therefore come out sharper and better
after each argument”

Elder Lama thus explained
The eternal discrimination of Judges,
All over world, 
Towards lady advocates

Being too kind and too soft to lady advocates
Was not helping them to grow up
In otherwise tough battlefields of Court !

Younger Lama listened to Elder Lama

Then he asked again,
And how did Justice Misra gave hearings to lady advocates?”

Elder Lama replied,

“She listened to them without being biased by their gender

When they argued irrelevant,
She bluntly and curtly told them so!
She was also rough and tough on them,
Whenever they argued irrationally

"But then she told them which questions were relevant,
And which were not

"She gave them time to prepare on relevant questions
And asked them to come prepared on next date! 

She thus used to force them
To do homework 
And to come better prepared

"And this helped many lady advocates
in becoming better advocates
in Apex Court

Elder Lama thus explained the difference
Which Justice Gyan Sudha Misra had underlined.


“Why do male judge always look gender biased?
Why do they always look kindly at lady advocates?
Is it wrong to look kindly and protectively at Lady advocates?

Younger Lama asked troublesome questions

Elder Lama gave him troublesome answers

Men play one favorite game on 
All women
All the time
All over the world
Since many many centuries...

This game is defined by psychologists as 
'I Make You Feel-Good-Game'

And this makes all women all over world
Dependant on men
And creates in them
A necessity to “Feel Good”

This is the Law of Human Nature"
Said the Elder Lama


Younger Lama asked again,
“How would you describe
Any one best quality of
Justice Gyan Sudha Misra?

Elder Lama replied,
She is a Fighter

This confused Younger Lama once again
All lawyers and judges are supposed to be fighters! 
Then why did Elder Lama described
Justice Misra as a fighter?
He wondered

Elder Lama explained,

“All of us are not true fighters. 
Whenever we have to fight
We keep a safety net ready to fall upon
Justice Misra used to fight without safety nets

"We live with a safety net of conventions

As a child we learned
That our safety lies in our family,
So we accepted all conventions of our family

As we grew up, we learned
That our safety lies in our social circles
So we accepted all conventions of our circles

When we joined any institution,
We learned that our safety lies in Institution's Conventions,
So we accept all conventions of our Institution

We thus developed a habit of fighting
With a safety net

We seldom fight against conventions

A person who can fight against conventions
Is truly a fighter
He fights without a safety net

Mankind progresses
Whenever any individual stands up
Against conventions,
And does things
Which were not done so far by others.

Justice Misra is one such person
She fought against many conventions
As a lawyer
As well as a Judge
Without safety nets of conventions”
Replied Elder Lama

Then, the two lama
Went down the hills
To beg for daily alms,
Towards the cluster of huts of poor tribal

-Haresh Raichura
Advocate on Record
Supreme Court