September 13, 2014

Two types of philosophies - one studies principles, another studies human activities. - David Hume

I was just reading David Hume's book on inquiry into human behaviours.

According to his analysis, there are two types of philosophers.

A) Those like Aristotle, who study principles and formulas.

B) Another type like Cicero, who study actual human behaviours and formulate laws on basis of actual studies.

B type philosophies are popular. But they keep changing. Human beings are like billiard balls. Reactions of human beings are unpredictable. And reactions of masses too change over years.

"A type" philosophies are less studied. They are less popular. People find difficulties in understanding principles and formulas. But these are permanent discoveries like laws of physics. They are immortal rules.

Both philosophies are important. Both should be respected. Just as State should sponsor, science and invention, it should also allocate funds for research of A type philosophies.

Haresh Raichura