November 10, 2014

Brief Story : Value of a hair of a moustache and value of habit of keeping one's word

This story has practical value. Lesson from the story has helped me in getting loan for for buying properties in past.

I therefore restate this story for whatever worth it is.


Many years ago, in a small village a man with a big moustache used to live. He was proud of his moustache. He used to care a lot about trimming and shaping of his moustache. His pointed moustache was his personality.

One day he was in financial needs. He went to a money lender and asked for loan.
The money lender asked,"What will you pledge as security if I give you loan?"

"I am willing to pledge ONE hair of my moustache if you are willing to give me loan of Rs.1 Lakh" said the man.

Money Lender thought for a while and then granted him loan. The man pulled out one hair from his moustache and pledged it.

Next day, another man heard about this. He too used to keep a big moustache. He went to Money Lender and asked him for loan of Rs. 1 lakh in lieu of two hairs of his moustache.

The Money Lender kicked him out.


The key to the story is not the "hair of moustache". The key to story is "Value of Word of mouth of a Man"

The first man in the story always used to keep his word. His words were as valuable to him as his pointed moustache. He could be trusted. Therefore money lender gave him loan.

The second man was not very serious about his words. He thought that money lender was a fool to grant loan in lieu of a hair of moustache. The money lender rightly kicked him out though he had offered to pledge two hairs of his moustache.


The point of this story is, if we make a habit of keeping our word, it pays in long run.

Haresh Raichura

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