January 26, 2017

S-71 Advice to a new ethical lawyer

Dear New Ethical Lawyer,

This is about your desire to do only ethical legal practice and to only fight for justice and dilemma you often suffer.

I would like to say this:

1) A lawyer's duty is to see that a Judge is properly informed on all facts and Law before he passes judgement against your client. This a lawyer can do as best as he can, whether he has breif for this side or other side of a case.

2) It is not his duty to get justice done. Neither Judges nor Lawyers, nor clients know all about Justice in a case. They all try to give right decision about what they see in the case paper book. Many things are never stated in case paper books.

Try to find out and read a book called "Letters to a Young Lawyer" by a famous foreign lawyer. You can search online.

3) Try to look up meaning of word "Pragmatic Decision".
It means whatever may you personally believe, whatever may be in theory, whatever you may have declared in past, but, but, but you have to take a decision which is right in present scenario of circumstances now placed before you.

Wish you good luck.

Haresh Raichura 26/1/2017