August 9, 2016

5 Things I learned from S B Sanyal and Arvind Bobde, two senior advocates of Supreme Court

Today, on 9/8/2016, in Supreme Court there is a Full Court Reference in memory of two late Senior Advocates of Supreme Court.

Since I practice in Supreme Court, I have had some glimpses about them.
A) About Senior Advocate S B Sanyal

1) Always Be Persistent in your work  and always remain engaged in your work. Your life and your oxygen is your work.

Though he was weak due to old age, he came to Supreme Court almost up to two days before he passed away.

2) In Bar Room, always sit at your fixed seat. Become engaged in your work. Do not gossip.. ..That  was his message which I read from his habits.

3) Also do not forget to enjoy your life.

Whenever, there was any cricket match, he would distribute sweets to members of Bar.

4) Once he told me his story of his junior advocate days. 
The sum and substance of story was as under :

He went into deep study of one case in office of his senior. And next month a richest man, whose case he studied deeply,  become his friend and thereafter he traveled in helicopter to attend all cases of this rich man.

This rich man become his mentor.

So, if you study deeply even one case, it may change a leaf in your career if your destiny is calling you from some higher place.
About Senior Advocate Arvind Bobde.

5) I interacted with him in only one brief.
 And there I learned these words from him:

"Keep Your Finger Crossed till the judge passes order",

I did not know meaning of words "Keep Your Fingers Crossed"..
So I looked up in dictionaries.

Then I interpreted these words as under:

(Keep your mouth shut and keep praying to God till judge completes his order)

The lesson is very deep and meaning. You have to keep your mouth shut about outcome a case till judgment comes.

If you are today a junior advocate, it will take you many years to understand meaning of this advice.

Haresh Raichura