August 14, 2016

IQ Test : If you are a Judge how will you decide this dispute between a Law Teacher and a Law Student? Who should win?

An agreement was entered between a Law Teacher and a Law Student.

Under the agreement, student has to pay 50% of Teachers tuition fees now, and for remaining 50% fee, Student agreed to pay IF HE WILL WIN HIS FIRST CASE IN COURT.

Accordingly, Law Teacher performed his part of agreement and taught law to student.

Law Student passed exam and became a lawyer.

But he was not taking any cases. Whenever Law Teacher demanded his balance 50% fees, he avoided him by saying "I'll pay when I will win my first Court Case"...

Now, the Law Teacher became angry. He filed a Court Case on Law Student for recovery of his 50% balance fees.

Here, comes the IQ Test:

1) Teacher said to student,

"In either way you will have to pay. (A) If I win case, you will pay as per order of Court, and (B) If I loose case, you will have WON your first case, and therefore you will have to pay as per agreement".

2) Law Student said, "In either case I will not have to pay you. (A) If you loose case, I will not have to pay you, and (B) if you win case, then I will have LOST MY FIRST CASE" and therefore as per agreement, I do not have to pay you."


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Haresh Raichura