October 31, 2016

S24 Dignity and Mutual Respects in Court Rooms

Do you know that Court Room is perhaps the only place in world where every  Advocates looks at each other with equal dignity and respect ? A lawyer may have come to court in Rolls Royal car. But once inside Court Room, he will give equal respect even to a lawyer who may have come on a bicycle. Even Attorney General or the most nation wide famous senior advocate will treat a junior Advocate with equal dignity and respect inside a court room. Outside Court Room, the whole world is full of rankism. People with higher power have higher ranks. Those with lower ranks have lower power. Abuses based on ranks will be found almost present in every interaction. Dignity and Respects between ranks will be often missing in general world.. In Supreme Court's Court Rooms, I have experiences of having been treated with utmost dignity and utmost respect even by top Lawyers of India. Outside Court Room, they may not even notice or recognise us. That is a different thing. But inside Court Room there is always a decorum of dignity and mutual respect. This is the convention of this great profession. This is the tradition of our profession since time immemorial.-  Haresh Raichura 30/10/16