July 12, 2013

Can courts do anything if father-in-Law (Father of wife) is destroying marriage and ruining future of children? ->

Can courts do anything if father-in-Law (Father of wife) is destroying marriage and ruining future of children?

An illustration based on an overheard case.

The case was on.

Husband's counsel was arguing.

He argued, mediation attempts with wife are failing because her father is coming in way. He is not allowing his daughter to compromise with husband at any cost.

Judge said, we have seen many cases were such things are happening. Father pours poison in ears of daughter and prevents her to compromise with husband. But there is nothing which court can do.

The Husband's advocate pleaded again, look the future of 2 year old child is also being destroyed by father who is not allowing mediation with wife to succeed.

Judge said, then you should file criminal complaint against father for destroying future of child.

The Point

Court has to act within powers given under law.

It can do little if someone is pouring poison in ears of wife and is not allowing her to reconcile with husband.

But there are laws, if someone is trying to break marriage of anyone, than that person has got civil and criminal remedies.

The Court gets power to examine conduct of Father-in-Law only if some proceedings against him are filed before it and if there is some evidence of interference by father in law.

Such options should be examined by lawyers of party who feels like husband in above illustration.

Haresh Raichura