July 20, 2013

Does TWO HOURS PUJA has something to do with success of many good lawyers and judges?

Does TWO HOURS PUJA has something to do with success of many good lawyers and judges?

In my 30 years' practice, I have seen many lawyers and judges to reach the peak of success in short time.

Some of them were seen doing two hours puja daily at home. Some in the morning and some in to evening after returning from court.

This must have spiritual blessings and divine helps.. But apart from it, it has all the results of regular meditation for two hours.

They can remain calm in cases were stakes are high and passions of litigants are running high.

They can remain confident and hopeful even in most hopeless looking cases.

I have also seen a Parsi top lawyer, who used to switch off lights of his chamber and sit in meditation in his chamber.

There is little doubt that all thoughts become calm during such process and brain becomes sharper to deal with complex issues.

I write this because, yesterday I met one clerk of lawyers. He said he sits daily two hour in morning puja. And today he is earning more than many lawyers.

The two hour puja must have some divine as well as materialistic benefits.

Haresh Raichura