July 2, 2013

How a RTI Activist can save himself from death-threats? Some tips about immediate steps.

How a RTI Activist can save himself from death-threats? Some tips.

In last few years many RTI Activists are murdered. The tips given here are not full proof. Murder can still happen even if all precautions are taken.

If a RTI activist receives a death threat, it is entirely on him how to react and what to do. It is his/her life which is at stake.

The tips here are just ideas. These ideas can decrease or increase threat of his life. There is no way any one can predict. So read this post with reservation. Consult your friends before acting on any of the tips.

When threat is received

1) Threat does not necessarily come by letter or phone call. It can come by intuition also. Without any reason, a person begins to feel that that his life is in danger. This is telepathy. Do not ignore this feelings. These feelings are serious.

Examine your choices

2) If someone decides to murder someone, than no one can stop it. Police cannot protect anyone 24/7 for many months.

The options are a) To die with panic or b)To die with grace, by fighting back as much as you can.

The choice b) is better.


Rule of Game

3) It is not important who is trying to murder. It is not important how many are they and what plan they are planning. The important thing is "what happens in last minute". If knife goes in, it is murder. If you turn table on them at last minute, it is a no ball. They have to start again. What happens in the last minute is important. You have chance to save yourself till Last Minute.


Declare yourself mentally ill

4) Because no one will understand how your fears are serious. Just tell them that you have a slight mental illness and you fear that someone may eliminate you.


Take Actions

5) Avoid using phones. Change all your regular routes of going and coming. Cancel all Pre-scheduled programs. Because, whoever is planning murder, has to first decide "Place and time of Murder". It will be difficult for them if your movements are unpredictable.

6) Send Emails about this mental illness to 20 friends. Each email becomes evidence if murder takes place. If you have mentioned some facts, trail of murder can reach right at the doorstep of person who may be responsible for murder.

7) Here, take care if you have more than one serious enemies. You may be complaining in email about A, whereas it is B who may be after you. So think properly before making allegation.

8) Send emails to authorities, High Court, Supreme Court or to anyone. Just say that if your sudden death takes place in next six months, an inquiry under High Court directions may kindly be ordered.

No one is bound to respond to your request. But, you have also nothing to loss in making such emails.

9) And side by side, try to reduce the heat. Give up pursuing wrong people. Withdraw complaints and RTI applications whichever may be causing this trouble.

No harm in retreating. Even Lord Krishna is known as Ranchhod.

10) Lawyers and Judges can help you. But they would not likely to get involved in your troubles. They can help you in filing some petition. Judges can help by passing some order. But even judges may tell that no one can protect anyone forever. Everyone is on his own.

- Haresh Raichura