February 5, 2014

Choices : This road is better or that road is better?

Sometimes our choices are as limited and as simple as to choose this road or that road.

If we do not make a choice, by default we start moving on one of these roads.

We do not have enough informations on where these roads are leading to. Some of these roads may be leading to a dead end. Some of these roads may be one way. No chance of retreat once we start moving on it. Some road lead us to mountain peak. And some road lead us down in the valley.

And above all, we do not get enough time to decide.

According to one stanza in GITA, on a giant roller coaster all of us are moving in cycles.

The force moving us is so strong that if we do not choose, we start rolling on one of the roads.

Whatever our plans, goals, mission statements, visions, wishes, intentions, all are put to a test the moment we see two roads ahead of us.

We have to choose one of these two roads. We have to choose in this very minute.

Or else, we find ourselves moving on a default road.

Haresh Raichura