March 3, 2014

Story of a snake who took vow to not to bite anyone

Once there was a snake. He was poisonous.

People were afraid of him.

One day a saint came. He preached to the snake and advised him not to kill people.

Snake took oath to not to bite anyone.

The news spread in village. People were now not afraid of him. They used to throw stones at him.

One day the snake came to the saint. He was beaten by sticks by villagers. He was dying.

Saint told him,"I told you not to bite people. But that did not prevent you from showing your fangs to people and from frightening them."

Moral of Story

We may not strike others. But we must inspire fears in others so that the others do not throw stones at us and do not treat us a doormat.
God has given everyone some ability to protect oneself. We should always keep this strength with us.

Haresh Raichura