March 28, 2014

Should Indian law makers consider passing "Persuasive Laws" as passed in Japan? - View

Recently, I read a refreshing news item about a law passed in foreign city, prohibiting use of mobile phones by children after 9 PM.

No punishments were prescribed for children who violate this law.

So, this was a persuasive law.

By and large people like to follow and abide by laws meant for their good.

This law gives a reason to children that law requires children to hand over their mobile phones to parents at 9 PM and therefore they should do so.

Here, law is used as a tool for social engineering. No draconian punishments are prescribed. No law enforcement agencies are required.

The law only persuades parents and children to obey law and to become good citizens by following this law.

I think this is great.

Will our law makers look into possibilities of passing "persuasive laws without prescribing draconian punishments"?

Haresh Raichura