July 21, 2014

Supreme Court has many a times saved government from breaking down. Cases come where....Collegium System

Supreme Court has many a times saved government from breaking down. Cases come where.... Top functionaries of Govt are often in dock.

Or they have problems.

Here, Supreme Court has to do a "Balancing Job"....

On one hand justice is to be done, and on the other hand anarchy and breaking down of government is to be prevented.

This does not mean that Independence of Judiciary is compromised.

It maintains it independence and at same time balances interest of Individuals against Interest of a larger mass of Individuals.

If Gocernment breaks down, there is no Constitution to uphold. The Energency has taught its lessons. A judicial order should not be instrument of death of a functioning government.


Mostly we are shown half side of a ball.

Some say, look it is red. Some say, Look it is white.

In fact the the Ball is half white and half Red.

Collegium system is not as good as it is painted.

Collegium system is not as bad as it is being painted.

The Ball is half Red and half White. 

This system is Much much better than so called alternatives suggested where new judges are to be selected only with the consent of Govt Representative....

This will be step backward.

Haresh Raichura