December 14, 2016

S-62 Tips for Young Advocates: If you have ambition, this tip may put you on the road to your ambition.

If you have ambition, this tip may put you on the road to your ambition.

45 Years ago, I remember to have read following line in a book in a library.

" Isolation and Discipline are essential for progress of an individual."

Now do not take this statement on its face value. Look around you. You may see many Lawyers who spend very few minutes in "visible world". Then they are not seen. They go into isolation where they are not disturbed by others.

This part is easy. It is easy for you to decide to spend sometime alone.

But second part "Discipline," is difficult. Discipline means you have a plan to do something when you isolate yourself from others. The plan may be to make notes from cases, plan may be to update yourself with latest law report. Plan may be to do a regular SWOT Analysis ( SWOT analysis means to list your strengths, weaknesses, Opportunites, Threats ) etc.

You can do many things when you isolate yourself from crowd.

But to do this in a very disciplined way, as per previously decided plan, is the toughest part. This requires strong will power.

This is one of many concrete roads to move towards your ambition.

Haresh Raichura 14/12/16