February 28, 2021

How to discover one's "Vein of Gold" ?

All of us have, one or other hidden talent. For lack of a mentor and guide, we seldom find it. Here is one suggestion.

Julia Cameron, wrote a book titled "Vein of God". 

This book suggests several methods by which one can identify one's hidden talent.

1  One method suggested by her is called "Morning Pages". Everyday morning, pick up a notebook, or Evernote, or in any other diary, and start writing anything that comes to your mind.

The point is, "Write ANYTHING, and fill up at least 3 pages." 

if you start writing anything, it may be easy for you to write one page. But then to write and fill up further two pages, your mind will have to search or to dig for something. And then you may begin to see some diamonds, hidden inside you.

2. Erwin Yalom, a psychotherapist, describe this as "Chimney Sweeping" in his novel "When Nietzsche Wept". He suggests, take a register, and start writing down, one by one anything that comes to your mind. (This novel has also therupatic value for those who have sufferred "Relationship Break Up")

This is a sort of "free Thoughts writing." 

One begins to dig up what is hidden in one's mind.

(C) Haresh Raichura 28/2/20 revised 28/2/21

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