November 10, 2016

LR 24 "Constitution Day" 26th November, 2016 in Supreme Court.

"Constitution Day" 26th November, 2016 in Supreme Court.

This day is celebrated every year in Supreme Court Bar where Chief Justice of India, Law Minister, President of Bar, all Justices, Former Justices and other dignitaries participate. Lawyers who may have written any books are also awarded at this function.

I wonder if similar way, this day can be celebrated in various High Court to strengthen our commitment to guard Constitution of India, in memory of 26/11/1949 when Constitution Assembly adopted the Constitution of India

In various High Courts Bar, Presidents and Secretaries should think over this suggestion. It is an ideal way to co ordinate exchange of views between High Court, Bar and Law Minister.

Haresh Raichura 10/11/16