November 16, 2016

LR- 28 "What are my prospects in Legal Profession? - A girl law student from a small village asked.

I have no answer. I am from a small disstrict. I have seen what happens to a newly joined lady advocate in Village Court, in District Court, in High Court and in Supreme Court.

What I have seen is not worth writing. I have seen only negative sides. In fact, I shiver in my bones when I remember what I have seen.

Perhaps I am not a right person to answer this question.

But if I think constructively, I think Legal Aid Committees can take initiative. A lady advocate should be assigned one case by Legal Aid Committee or by Amicus Curie Panel, the day she joins Bar. And then one case per month for an year. In one year she can develop survival confidence, can appear in judicial exams or can start her own small practice.

This is however only a wish.

Haresh Raichura 16/11/16