November 13, 2013

Once a Judge asked a lady Junior Advocate,"Please do not wear dress which show cleavage. It disturbs me."

This is from my memory.

Once a Judge asked a lady advocate, not to wear low cut dress which showed cleavage. He said it is disturbing his concentration on focusing on hearing of case.

The lady advocate did not like the stricture. In fact it stirred lady advocates of Bar. They protested against the undignified remark of the judge.


Here, I am neither defending the judge nor defending the lady advocate.

All I say is this. Court room has its own dignity. Every lawyer and judge is expected to wear dignified dress so as it may enhance dignity of court.

Every judge is de facto King of his court. He has all the powers on how to conduct hearing before his court.

I remember a case.

An outside advocate, who had no cases, used to come daily in court and sit in second row. He will keep moving and tilting his head all the day, as if he is approving or disproving judge.

This disturbed judge. This advocate's entry in court got banned.

I remember another case when I was in High Court. A client was very unhappy that his case was not coming up for hearing. His lawyer advised him to go and sit in court daily from 10am to 4pm.

The client began to sit daily in court. After 10 days, the Judge got disturbed. He asked him what was his case. The judge listed his case next day and finished it.

The point is : Judges are also human beings. Things which can distract their attention from judicial hearing, may well be avoided.

Haresh Raichura