November 4, 2013

Tip for young lawyers/Students - Collect good character certificates as much as you can

In 1982, when I had just joined advocacy, a young lawyer friend gave me this suggestion.

He said, all such good character certificates help when we want government job.

I listened. But did not feel motivated to do so. I have always some problem when I have to ask some favour from some one. One has to go to some one and request for a good character certificate. This was a problem for me.

One of my senior lawyer had put it in my mind, "If you have to say Please, then say it to Almighty God. Why say please to people of this world? "

Well, so he kept collecting good character certificates and I kept watching.

He got immediately appointment as Labour Court Judge in about six months. His life got set and stable with fix salary and status. Later he retired as a Industrial Court Tribunal Judge with good salary and pension. It helped him to collect good character certificates.

This tip is for those who believe in living a secure life.

There are many who believe in living an insecure life of a fisherman.

He never knows what will he get next day. They enjoy insecurity and they cannot do job under any master. They enjoy insecure life.

Point: It does help to collect good character certificates from whomever we can get, if one is inclined to seek a job.

Haresh Raichura

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