November 4, 2013

Home made lunch in Gujarat High Court - preference of Gujarati for home made lunch

In Delhi, I am since about 23 years. But I have not been able to get home made lunch served in Supreme Court. We have to take lunch in court canteens.

These foods are laced with high spices and one cannot take it everyday.

Gujarati people have preference to eat home made lunch wherever they may work.

In Mumbai, there is unique tiffin dabbawala service.

In Gujarat High Court, some people regularly serve "Actually home made Lunch tiffins". The quality of this lunch service is very good.

In Court life of lawyers, they have to take food at noon which they normally take in court canteens.

Court Canteens sell fast food and fried spiced food. In long run it affects health of lawyers.

Haresh Raichura

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