October 17, 2013

Maverick method of DEFEATING PROCRASTINATION. #Psychology


Years ago, I had read a book titled Maverick.

It prescribed following steps to beat procrastination.

1) Go and sit in your office at your convenient time.

2) Once you sit, decide when you will stand up from your chair. Fix a time. You are not to stand up before this time.

3) Keep all work to be done files on your left side.

4) Now lift a file on top and put it on your right side. Then second file. Then next, till whole pile of file is over.

5) Now begin in the same way and start shifting files from Left to right.

6) Keep doing this exercise till you actually get momentum to actually start working on files.


I have not tried as yet this method. I keep procrastinating about trying this method :)

Haresh Raichura

Haresh Raichura