January 27, 2014

500 Years Ago - A Judge made TWO promises to all the Criminals - Story

500 years ago, law, Justice, Judges etc were at primary stage.

The criminals had no faith in Judiciary.

If a crime was happened, the criminal used to leave society permanently.

He would become an OUTLAW. He would devote rest of his life for committing more and more crimes.

If police caught him, he was either encountered and killed or he was brought in the village and was brutally hanged publicly.

The King was unjust. The police was extortionist. The crime increased. More and more people were becoming outlaws.

Then one day, a Judge made TWO promises to all outlaws.

He said to criminals:

Surrender to law.
Face trials.

I assure you that I will be impartial. I assure you that :

1) No one will be convicted unless there is sufficient evidence,

2) No one will be allowed to collect evidence against you by twisting your hand. No one will torture you to disclose evidence against you.

The message reached in Jungles to the OUTLAWS.

Some of them wanted to repent for their sins.

Some of them wanted to return in society where they can meet their children and parents.

They accepted assurance of the Judge.

They returned and surrendered to police. They were tried by the Judge as per his promise.

Judge acquitted those against whom evidence was not sufficient. He convicted some against whom there was sufficient evidence.

This is how the Judicial System works since 500 or more years.

If judges become biased against criminals, if judges begin to convict them even if evidence is not sufficient, if judges do not protect criminals against police tortures, they will become absconding. They will become OUTLAWS. They will spend rest of their lives in committing more and more crimes.

It makes sense to acquit those criminals against whom evidence is not sufficient. Such acquittals restore faith of Criminal World in Judicial System.

They prefer to surrender to Law than to become an OUTLAW.

Haresh Raichura