January 20, 2014

Returning home after a day's work is over - Like wood cutter who returns from jungle

A wood cutter goes in jungle to cut dry woods.

It is tough job. Wood have to be selected. Then cutting has to start. Then small sticks are to be made from logs which are cut.

Then small sticks are to be bundled and lifted on headgear.

He returns in village.

He sells wood to needy. Earns some money. Brings money home and gives it to his wife to run house.

The food is cooked. He and his wife and children eat.

Then he is very tired.

He goes to sleep. He sleeps immediately. He does not have to take sleeping pills. He does not have to take antidepressants to sleep.

My case is different.

I go to work. Someday, I am elated with victories in cases. Mind goes high with arrogance.

Next day, I lose all cases. My heart sinks to bottom.

I do not do any physical work.

Body becomes sluggish by evening.

Then I start worrying about next day cases.

In some cases, papers are not ready. In some cases client has not paid bills. Some cases are before judges who who have pre determined notions. They may not hear my case.

In some cases, advocate on other side is getting big fees. Whereas has my client is not picking up phone.

Mind is not peaceful. I go to terrace. I look at the moonlight in night sky. Moon looks so cool. Moon is unmindful of all my problems.

He is just radiating coolness in darkness of night on Earth.

He is so peaceful and calm.

Then I also become calm and peaceful.

I try to sleep. But it is again morning. Life looks like rut.

Haresh Raichura