January 28, 2014

We all need some Guru or some Life Coach to advance in life.

Structure of our mind is something like this:-

1) We decide to do something.

2) Some expectation of reward, motivates us to do it

3) We do it.,

Here someone else is needed to tell us how we performed our task.

What were our errors. How could we have done better. He should show which part of our action was not correct.

He should give a demo and encourage us to repeat the BETTER method.

Then from that method onward, we stand corrected. We stand improved.

But suppose if we do not find any Guru or Life Coach. Then what.

There is an Eklavya method. He was a tribal boy. No Guru, no life coach were available to him.

He created a clay statue of a leading Guru called Dronachary.

Before this clay statue, he daily practiced Archery.

He would ask clay statue if his practice methods were right or did they need improvement.

Every time he asked a question to statue, an answer flashed in his mind. He improved accordingly.

There is some deep message in this Mahabharata story for all those who complain about not getting a Guru or a Life Coach.

The message is : You need to make a clay statue, or a photo of any leading Guru or any Life Coach to oversee your work.

Haresh Raichura