January 16, 2014

Parsi people - endangered species - as I understand them

As the story goes, many many years ago, few ships landed at port of Navsari in Gujarat.

They were full of Parsi people.

They had escaped from their home land because of some threats. They were looking for some new land where they can settle and relocate.

Their leaders met King of Navsari.
They requested permission to settle in his kingdom.

The King sent for a glass of milk which was filled up to the brink. The King presented this glass of milk to Parsi leader and said, "Our kingdom is as full as this glass of milk."

The leader of Parsi picked up a small peace of sugar and slowly, put it in the glass of water.

Then he said to King,"We will mix up like sugar in your Kingdom".

The King agreed to give them land for settlement at Navsari.

A treaty was drawn in which the Parsi gave some undertakings regarding prohibition of night parties, marriages with locals etc.

Then the Parsi community flourished in Navsari in Gujarat.

They picked up Gujarati language in their own way. They avoided local politics.

They mixed up like sugar in Kingdom of Navsari.

I know little about them.

1) I think they worship Fire as God.
If you feel like darkness in life, then you are away from God. If you feel light in your life, then you are near to God. So simple.

2) I read about one of their Mantra. It is "Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Actions".

From Navsari, they spread in various parts of India.

But presently, their population is down to such an extent that they have become "endangered species".

"Survival of Fittest" is the law of nature.

It is for the Parsi people to examine this law.

Haresh Raichura