September 2, 2016

LR-2 Hindu Marriage Laws? Is something wrong about these laws?

LR-2 Marriage Laws: Few decades ago, Hindu Marriage disputes used to be solved by 5 Wise Men (Panchayat) of the caste. They had authority of judges. They used to solve disputes in one or two sitting and if divorces were granted, the spouses used to start living new life within months. The social relations used to remain by and large stable. Then the laws came. The lawyers were benifited but Panchayats were ruined. Now no one obeyed them. Parties choose paths leading to Courts and to chambers of Divorce Lawyers. To make matter worse, the disputes were given colour of criminal law. The parties drag on. Families drag on. Cases drag on. Everyone has forgotten that system of "5 Wise Men of Caste,". At that time customary divorces by mutual consent were signed in one day. Now even for mutual consent Divorce, parties have to drag on in Courts for months and that too with uncertainty of U Turn at last day. I just wonder what were objects of such laws. Why these laws are operating a way that institution of Hindu Marriage itself is under threat of extinction? Do you think that something is wrong in the Hindu Marriage Laws? Is there scope of improvement? Can we do anything to make life easier for newly married people? Why some Divorce cases drag on till parties have crossed age of 60years? I think something is wrong in our laws.
Haresh Raichur 2/9/2016