September 10, 2016

Should there be Long Paroles for seriously infirm and sick people?

A man, whose lungs are functioning at 40℅ capacity due to some disease, and who is in jail since 17 years, sent me an email today. He says 17 years ago he had hot words exchange with his wife. After two days wife burnt herself with kerosene at night. His in laws were powerful. They influenced Dying Declaration recording officers to record that husband burnt her, though she was saying that she had committed suicide. Trial Court, High Court and Supreme Court confirmed LIFE Imprisonment on basis of Dying Declaration. It appears that he is not entitled to remission of sentence after 14 years because Govt may have some policy of not granting remission in bride-burning cases. And now SC has laid down law that Life imprisionment means life imprisionment for whole life. So I am not sure what way and under which law such people, who are seriously sick, can be released on long paroles. Perhaps some laws needs some clarifications. - Haresh Raichura 10/9/2016