September 8, 2016

S-2 A man sought advice on Facebook, Should he join legal profession? Why so many senior lawyers said, No?

S-2 A man sought advice on Facebook ; "Should he give up a salaried job in order to join legal profession?" Most comments below his posts read "Don't come".  The question is why so many lawyers advised him not to join legal profession? What has happened? The legal profession is considered Highest Paid Profession in the World. In India, there are Lawyers who charge Rs.1 Crore for one day appearance in court. There are many lawyers who earn about Rs.50,00,000/- per week. There are many lawyers who charge Rs.55,000/- for 30 minutes conference. And there are also many many breifless lawyers. There are large number of  lawyers who live in a rented one room kitchen set and have difficulties in paying monthly rents. Why so many senior lawyers advised this man to not to leave salaried job and not to join legal profession? Somewhere something is missing. .....
Haresh Raichura 8/9/16