September 5, 2016

What is meaning of life, when you may feel a balanced life?

What is meaning of life?

A psychologist named Alfred Adler answered this question in three ways:

1) You have to first connect with the Earth where you are born. You must learn to earn and survive.

2) You must connect well with people around you, your family, your spouse, your children, relatives friends etc.

3) You have to connect well with your self image, your self worth, your self esteem etc.

4)  The Psychologist said that the disturbance or not being settled in any of these three area, unstables  a man or woman and leads him/her  to psychological problems like lack of sleep, anxiety, Paranoia etc.

5) He said try to search for balance in these three areas and a person will see a fulfilled meaning in life. Haresh Raichura 5/4/2016