March 25, 2012

Two Strivings of Almost All Human Beings

About 40 Years ago, I had read a book by Alfred Adler, titled Understanding The Human Nature. It impressed me for years.

The book says that all of us have Two strong Drives:

1) One Striving For Superiority. We want to be superior than all others. Some of us also want to become God, Some wants to become a massiah, some wants to become Mahatma, etc etc. basically all of us are striving to be superior than others.

2) Secondly, he said, all of us are striving for recognition. We want to become recognised. Some want publicity on TV, Newspapers, Internet, twitter etc. He said that basically we are all striving for recognition.

Then he explained how these strivings formed in us.

When we were young at about 3 to 4 years, we began to see around and recognise the world.

We saw that every one else in family was bigger, taller, and stroger than us. So we also started striving for becoming bigger, taller and stronger like other family members. Basic bricks were started forming in cells of our brain. And thus we developed a life-long striving for superiority.

Then we saw, every time we cried, every one looked at us. When we let out a naughty smile, everyone looked at us. As a child we were afraid to be left alone. So we began several methods to attract attention towards us of our family members.

This became our life-long striving for recognitions.

According to him all our actions, careers are directed to fulfill these strivings.

Haresh Raichura


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