April 26, 2012

If you are parents of marriageable boy or girl, you may like to know effect of proposed law (Ban on sex below 18) on your daughter or son.

If legal age of marriage of a girl is 18 years, than all girls below 18 and boys below 21, who enter into sexual relationship are offenders. And may be liable to Three Years or may be life imprisonment. New Criminal Laws are coming for them. 

Even if there may be mutual consent for sex, the boy may have to go to jail, if the girl complains.

If caught, first their parents will have to pay heavy bribes to many persons for avoiding publicity and harassment by police. 

Then they will be brought to courts to be tried along with other criminals. Here, there will be lawyers to protect them. This is all fine.

But is it proper to expose this teenage sexual offenders or victims  to normal atmosphere of criminal courts? If we really want to protect their welfare, should we not conduct cases against them in separate court buildings?

Parliamentary Panel appears to have passed some Bill on the issue and it may be passed without much or any discussion. (Cabinet approved barring Sex below age 18 on 26/4/2012 TOI)

I have not seen the Bill. But I hope that good senior lawyers and judges will examine provisions of Bill before it is passed.

Haresh Raichura

PS. In a survey of about 22000 married women, it was found that 47% of them had entered into sexual relationships before age of 18. Now try to imagine how many people will be hit by the new law.

In case of rape, the first thought that will come in the mind of rapist after committing rape may be like this,"If I allow this girl to live, they may send me to life imprisonment. If I kill this girl, then also they may send me to Life Imprisonment. So it is better to kill this girl." And he will kill also.

The law to protect Rape-Victims can in fact, start KILLING Rape victims!

We remain asleep when laws are passed and then we complain for years about bad laws!