April 11, 2012

Will India consider Setting Up a National Research Institute For Examining Evidence on Rebirth-Theory?

We spend lot of money on cricket. But ultimately, it is the country which spends more money on innovations and research, that becomes a wealthiest nation of the world. 

Now we are in a Global Village. People like to go and live in a country where Government Spends Lots of Money on Innovations and Research. 

Research and Innovation create Intellectual as well as Material both types of wealth.

Whereas, cricket does not create any kind of wealth........ (Here I may be wrong because I never watch cricket.)


This will require lots of money and our Finance Minister may say No.
Our Minister for Human Development Resources Minister may say Yes.

Some advisers to Government may say that such Institute should be set up. It will help us winning votes of crores of Hindu who believe in GITA.

Some advisers may say No. They will say that such a move can alienate our votes of people who do not know what GITA is all about.

An assessment, a political assessment will have to be made by Government before taking any decision in this matter.

Ultimately, it boils down to these two questions:

1) How many people want Government to set up such Institute? What is their Vote-Strength?

2) What are collateral damages if such an Institute is set up?

I don't know answer of these political questions.

But I am in favour of Government of India setting up such an Institute for TWO Reasons:

1) 'Zero' was discovered by Indian mathematicians. All progress in science today has become possible because of invention of 'Zero'

2) Imagine the benefit to whole mankind if it is established that Re-birth is established as scientific truth. All of us will become free from fear of death. That itself will be a giant step in progress of mankind.

Haresh Raichura