April 10, 2012

How many of us know that more and more scientists have started believing in Re-birth Theories?

This is an attempt to persuade you to take it more seriously when someone comes to you and tells you that he believes that after death, he will be reborn again. he will again live!

A large number of people have a mind set, that after death, there is nothing. They say that all talks of re-birth are make-believe stories.

But 1% are almost sure that there is re-birth after death.

1)      For We, who are Hindus:  Since ages, we are told that there is a life after death. We will continue to come here. Death is just like discarding old clothes and wearing new clothes by entering into new births.

We are also told that our misdeeds and sins can follow us in our next birth and  can cause unlimited miseries in our next birth.

It is fine. It is one view.

2. Other religion-teachers have different views. They do not believe in re-birth.  

This also is fine.

Different religion-teachers can have different views. They can also be right.


All these people may be mistaken. But their number is increasing day by day.  Here are the few among them.

1)             Lady Mountbatten; After her death, she was cremated on a pyre as per Hindu Rituals.

2)             In 1980, a Chief of Psychiatry at a large multi-university hospital, at Miami, got a shock of his life. He face to face came across facts which convinced him that there was life after death. 

He recorded all research which he could record, and placed it before scientific faculty and for peer evaluation.

His name was Dr. Brain Weiss.

At or around the same time from different part of world, more scientists came up with some kind of data to support re-birth theory. Their names are Dr. Joseph B.Rhine at Duke University. Dr. Ian Stevenson at University of Virginia, Dr. Gertrude Schneider at College of City of New York, Dr. Esabeth Kubler-Ross. Dr. Raymond Moody and many others.

There are also Dalai Lama and many spiritual Hindu Preachers of re-birth. But we don't consider them scientists. So we can ignore them.

We believe that Scientists only have monopoly to say what is truth. This is our error. The scientists go by only our Five Senses. But actually, we have many more senses yet to be discovered through intensive meditations.

3)           In 1982, I have had very serious trouble in connection with some litigations. Some people decided to eliminate me. I suddenly experienced unusual visions. At every move, some invisible power was giving me hints about what my enemies were planning to do and when and how they were going to strike at me and what were my options. When I felt blocked, I saw mysterious helps coming toward me in nick of moments. Everything was coming in my mind like momentary flashes. 

After the enmity was treated as "Closed and Forgotten" by both sides, I stopped receiving messages from invisible entity.

4)            I came across Dr. Brian Weiss' book, MANY LIVES MANY MASTERS in around 2008. The book instantly appealed me. Because it confirmed that whatever flashes I was seeing in 1982 were messages from Invisible Masters floating around us all the time.

The book resolved my doubts.

I got so much impressed by the book that I purchased 40 copies book and distributed  freely to my friends.

At one point, I decided to file a Public Interest Petition in Supreme Court to direct Government of India to set up a scientific research centre on Re-birth study taking place all over world and to study such Indian cases. A friendly reporter of Times of India opined that if I file such petition, Supreme Court will dismiss it with heavy costs. I dropped idea of filing writ petition.

But even today, I do think that it is obligation of Indian Government to set up such research centre. Because just as Hindus discovered 'Zero" sum theory, it is again the Hindus, who pioneered theory of Re-birth.

If Indian Government won't sponsor such research, then who else will?

In my view, there is a necessity of debate and research on this issue.

Because if re-birth theory is confirmed, then all of us can instantly become free from fear of death and we can reset our values.

Haresh Raichura